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If you feel moved by the causes पिता सेवा संस्थान promotes, we would very much appreciate your support. Set up your donation to पिता सेवा संस्थान today. It’s easy and most importantly, it will make a major difference in the lives of so many who are in need of help. Contact us today to learn more or click below to donate now.

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Are you looking to support पिता सेवा संस्थान? We’d love to receive your help, and so will the community we provide for. Contact us to learn about donation opportunities. However you are able to help, we can assure you that it will have a major impact on the lives of many.

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Want to learn more about ways you can get involved? Contact us today.

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Our Mission

Making the World a Better Place

Our board of directors are community leaders, dedicated to the mission of creating immediate and lasting change in the lives of those in need. Our work with donors and partners is aimed at achieving a more just and egalitarian society. Join us in our fight by learning more about our mission and supporting our causes below.

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Our Board and Team

Meet the People Behind the Work

Our team is dedicated to the mission of helping those in need in the GORAKHPUR area. Get to know the people who make पिता सेवा संस्थान what it is. Our team is an unbelievable source of information and we are ready to share our events, activities, and the ways for you to get involved.


माननीय श्री प्रियांशु यादव जी

संस्था अध्यक्ष एवं राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक एवं संस्थापक                      नगर सह मंत्री         अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद 

यह संस्था माननीय श्री प्रियांशु यादव जी द्वारा सन 2018 गोरखपुर में संस्थापित हुआ है इनका जन्म 3 सितंबर 1999 को गोरखपुर में हुआ। वर्तमान मे यह अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद के नगर सह मंत्री गोरखपुर है सन 2012 से समाज सेवक के रूप में कार्य कर रहे हैं तथा इन्होंने अपने पढ़ाई के साथ साथ अन्य राजनीतिक पदों का भी दायित्व संभाला है। सन 2018 में आर एस एस द्वारा इन्हें राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक राष्ट्रीय गौ सेवक एवं मुख्य शिक्षक का दायित्व मिला एवं अखिल विद्यार्थी गौ सेवक द्वारा इन्हें गौ संरक्षण के लिए सम्मानित भी किया गया । यह हमारे संस्था के अध्यक्ष एवं संस्थापक का दायित्व निभाते हैं ।


माननीय पल्लवी सिंह जी

उप प्रबंधक 

पल्लवी सिंह जी हमारे संस्था पिता सेवा संस्थान की महत्वपूर्ण सदस्य हैं । यह अपने पढ़ाई के साथ साथ समाज सेविका कभी दायित्व निभाते आ रही हैं हमारे संस्था के यह महामंत्री एवं कार्यक्रम संचालक का भी दायित्व निभा रही हैं मैं बहुत खुशी है की आप पिता सेवा संस्थान परिवार से जुड़ी और अपना बहुमूल्य समय हमारे संस्था को देती आ रही है।


आदरणीय रागिनी शुक्ला जी

माननीय प्रबंधक

यह गोरखपुर की निवासी हैं। इन्होने अपने पढ़ाई के साथ साथ समाज सेविका के रूप मे अपने कर्तव्य को निभाया हैं। साथ ही राष्ट्र के लिये , समाज के लिये बहुत से महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया है । माननीय रागिनी जी अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद बिस्मिल नगर की पदाधिकारी का दायित्व निभा रही हैं। 

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आदरणीय योगेश शुक्ला जी

उप संस्थापक एवं उपाध्यक्ष

श्री योगेश शुक्ला जी का जन्म 1 सितम्बर को गोरखपुर मे हुआ । इन्होने अपनी इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई गोरखपुर से किया । योगेश जी संस्था के पद के साथ साथ अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद गोरखपुर के नगर सह मंत्री का दायित्व का पालन करते हैं ।

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श्री मन्ता लाल यादव

कोषाध्यक्ष एवं पार्षद

श्री मन्ता लाल यादव जी गोरखपुर के जाने माने राजनेता मे से एक । पिछ्ले 30 सालो से भारतीय जनता पार्टी के अनेक दायित्व का निर्वाहन किया ।मन्ता लाल जी को योगी जी के लाल से भी जाना जाता है । वर्तमान समय में मन्ता लाल जी संस्था के कोषाध्यक्ष के साथ साथ पार्षद भी है।

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पिता सेवा संस्थान

Improving the Lives of Many

Our Charitable Foundation helps raise funds through various programs and initiatives, and we’d love for you to get involved with Priyanshu yadav and Divya singh. We depend on your support in order to improve lives and make the world a better place for generations to come. Join us today to learn all about volunteering and donating options.

Home: Welcome
High Fives

Who We Are and What We Do

Lending a Helping Hand

Inspired by a life-changing event, Priyanshu yadav and Divya singh was established in 2010 in gorakhpur , youth leader. Over the years, we have become one of the most trusted and effective charitable foundations, working hard to improve the lives of those in need. Here you can learn more about who we are and what we do.

Home: About

Our Causes

Breaking Barriers, Opening Doors

Priyanshu yadav works tirelessly to provide quality, long-term solutions for a number of pressing issues affecting our community. Our most significant causes are those that are often brushed aside by most. Our battle is against indifference, and we would love for you to become part of that change today.

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Housing the Homeless

Treat Others as You’d Like to Be Treated

One of our goals is to ensure that the most vulnerable and at-risk groups in the greater gorakhpur area are safe and have their basic needs taken care of. With your generous donations and volunteering efforts, you have the capacity to help us in our endeavour of Housing the Homeless. Contact us to learn more.

Fighting Poverty

Helping Others

One of our main causes here at Priyanshu yadav is Fighting Poverty, an issue that touches many lives, particularly those in the gorakhpur area. We spend a significant portion of our resources on tackling this problem. See how you can help by reading more or contacting one of our representatives.

Soup Kitchen

Feeding poor childs 

Treat Others as You’d Like to Be Treated

One of our goals is to ensure that the most vulnerable and at-risk groups in the gorakhpur area are safe and have their basic needs taken care of. With your generous donations and volunteering efforts, you have the capacity to help us in our endeavour of feeding poor childrens. Contact us to learn more.

Want to learn how you can support our valuable causes?

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"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"

पिता सेवा संस्थान

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पिता सेवा संस्थान ट्रस्ट

47 East Avas Vikas Colony, Shahpur, Geeta vatika , near P.C Hospital Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh 273006, India

9369485488 , 7084066058

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